Swollen or Bleeding Gums

Swollen or bleeding gums may sound common, but they are a dental issue that should be taken very seriously, as they could be signs of far more difficult oral health conditions.

When are swollen or bleeding gums signs of a serious issue?

If your gums are swollen or bleeding, please schedule an appointment with your dentist at your earliest convenience. A dentist’s in-person opinion is the best way to determine the severity of your swollen or bleeding gums. Aside from scheduling an appointment with your dentist, these are some of the symptoms that may point to severe risk for other dental issues:

  1. Your gums experience a change in color

If your gums are red, dark pink, purple, or even blue, or if they have changed color from the natural hue, then this is a sign that something could be seriously wrong.

  1. Your gums experience a change in texture

When your gums are healthy, their texture is firm, smooth, and they lie flat next to your teeth. It will be easy to tell if your gums are swollen, as they will be visibly inflamed and can appear “rolled” next to your teeth.  “Puffy” gums are a bad sign- come see us. They should not hurt to touch and should not bleed when you touch or floss.

  1. Your gums bleed while flossing.

This symptom — unlike the previous two — is incredibly common and is not necessarily a sign of a seriously bad dental condition. The key is to determine the severity of the bleeding from flossing. While everyone experiences some bleeding from flossing, if your gums are bleeding every time, you brush your teeth or floss, or they bleed excessively, then this could be a sign of a serious issue.

Contact your dentist immediately for an appointment if you notice any of these symptoms.

What causes my gums to swell or bleed?

The key with swollen or bleeding gums is determining the severity. That being said, these are some of the most common causes:

  • Poor dental hygiene. If you have a poor dental hygiene routine, this can allow for the buildup of bacterial plaque that may cause swollen or bleeding gums. It is important that you stay on top of your dental hygiene routine, and that you attend regular dental checkups to ensure your oral health is superb.
  • Something stuck in your gums (seed, popcorn, toothpick, foreign body)
  • Certain oral infections and allergies can also cause swollen or bleeding gums. Your dentist can help determine if your swollen or bleeding gums are caused by allergies.
  • Canker sores and ulcers will cause swollen or bleeding gums.
  • Pregnancy can cause swollen gums. We still recommend a checkup with your dentist to ensure that this is the case though.
  • Certain vitamin deficiencies and hormonal changes can also cause swollen or bleeding gums.

How can I prevent swollen or bleeding gums?

Luckily, swollen or bleeding gums are generally easy to prevent if you do the following two things:

(1) Attend regular dental checkups with your preferred dentist. This will ensure that everything is going well with your oral health, and it can help give you peace of mind knowing that your dental hygiene routine is doing its job.

(2) Have a good dental hygiene routine. As mentioned before, we recommend you confer with your dentist to develop a proper dental hygiene plan that will ensure your gums are happy and healthy.

Call (720) 361-2815 today for an appointment with our excellent dental team! 

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